PARTIAL-ORDER PACKAGE FOR SPIN SPIN SPIN is an automated validation system for communication protocols described in the PROMELA language. SPIN performs an exploration of the protocol state space by using a classical depth-first search algorithm. This algorithm recursively explores all successor states of all states encountered during the search, starting from the initial state, by executing all enabled transitions in each state. Of course, the number of visited states can be very large: this is the well-known state-explosion problem, which limits the applicability of state-space exploration techniques. (the Spin system can be obtained by anonymous ftp from from the /netlib/spin directory) PARTIAL-ORDER PACKAGE The Partial-Order Package implements a combination of several verification techniques that attempt to avoid the part of the state explosion due to the exploration of all possible interleavings of concurrent transitions. These techniques verify properties of systems by exploring as few interleavings as possible for each partial order execution that the system can perform. The other interleavings are not explored. PARTIAL-ORDER PACKAGE FOR SPIN The Partial-Order Package includes algorithms for generating such reduced state spaces from any PROMELA program and for checking deadlocks, unreachable code and assertion violations. The Partial-Order Package must be used in conjunction with the SPIN system. It does not change the overall functionalities of SPIN (except for the restrictions listed below), its use is transparent for the user. Using the Partial-Order Package decreases the resource requirements of the validation: the memory and time requirements are usually much smaller when using the Package than without using it. Therefore, it also broadens the applicability of SPIN to more complex protocols. INSTALLATION OF THE PARTIAL-ORDER PACKAGE 1. In a new directory, copy the file po-pack.tar.Z 2. Type in the following unix commands: uncompress po-pack.tar.Z tar xvf po-pack.tar 3. run make in the PO-PACKAGE directory USING THE PARTIAL-ORDER PACKAGE The use of SPIN with the Partial-Order Package remains very similar to the use of SPIN alone. The validation of a PROMELA program can be performed as follows: $ spin -a filename (build the validator) $ cc -c pan.c (compile the validator) $ cc -c po.c (compile partial-order functions) $ cc -o pan pan.o po.o (link the object code with the PO- Package-functions object code) $ pan (run the validator) By default, the validator reports deadlocks, unreachable code and assertion violations. In order to detect deadlocks only, use the DEADLOCK option as follows (the reduced state-space can be further reduced when searching for deadlocks only): $ cc -DDEADLOCK -c pan.c $ cc -DDEADLOCK -c po.c $ cc -o pan pan.o po.o Note that the current version of the Partial-Order Package is not compatible with XSPIN. RESTRICTIONS During the validation, some PO-Package functions use information about which processes can access which variables. In order to ensure a proper functioning of the PO Package, the PROMELA program under validation has to meet the following requirements: 1. The init process must be an atomic sequence where all global variables are initialized, and all processes of the system are created. Process creation is not allowed in the rest of the program. 2. Channels must be declared as global variables or as parameters of a process type. Remote references in a process to variables local to other processes are forbidden. 3. Inside atomic sequences (except in the init process), indices of shared arrays and channel identifiers cannot be side effected. For instance, the atomic sequences "atomic{i=i+1;table[i]=any}" and "atomic{qname=q3;qname!any}" are forbidden. 4. Inside atomic sequences (except in the init process), a transition that modifies the value of a shared object, i.e., a shared variable or channel, cannot be followed by another transition that accesses (read or write) this object in the remainder of the atomic sequence. For instance, the atomic sequence "atomic{q!any1;q!any2}" is forbidden. 5. The atomic sequences must be deterministic, i.e., from one state, the execution of an atomic sequence cannot lead to more than one successor state. 6. The "send" and "receive" on capacity 0 channel cannot appear in atomic sequences. For instance if q is a capacity 0 channel, the atomic sequence "atomic{ ; q!any}" is forbidden. 7. The predicate "len(chan)" is still supported, but it should be replaced whenever possible by using the new predicates "empty" and "full" whose semantics is defined as follows: "empty(chan)" returns true if the channel chan is empty, else it returns false; "full(chan)" returns true if the channel chan is full, else it returns false. Refined optimizations for these two predicates have been implemented in the PO Package. These optimizations may yield substantial efficiency improvements. 8. The validation of liveness properties (i.e., non-progress and acceptance cycle detection and never-claim violation) is not supported by the current version of the PO Package. It will be supported in a forthcoming version. BIT-STATE HASHING The supertrace option -DBITSTATE of SPIN is compatible with the PO Package. They can be used simultaneously by compiling the pan.c file as follows: $ cc -DBITSTATE -c pan.c $ cc -DBITSTATE -c po.c $ cc -o pan pan.o po.o STATE-SPACE CACHING The PO Package also includes an implementation of a "State-Space Caching" technique. State-space caching is a state-space exploration method that consists of storing all states of the current path being explored (i.e., those in the current depth-first "stack") plus as many previously visited states as possible given the remaining amount of available memory. It creates a restricted "cache" of selected system states that have already been visited. Initially, all states encountered are stored into the cache. When the cache fills up, old states are deleted to accommodate new ones. This method never tries to store more states than possible in the cache. If the size of the cache is greater than the maximal size of the stack during the exploration, the whole state space can be explored. Thanks to state-space caching, the memory requirements needed to analyze protocols can be decreased at the price of increasing the time requirements. It has been recently shown that state-space caching and partial-order methods combine very well: the memory requirements needed to validate large protocol models can be strongly decreased (e.g., more than 100 times) without seriously increasing the time requirements. A new option -nC specifying the maximum number C of states that can be stored in memory (i.e., the size of the cache) has been added to the executable file pan. If the explored state space is too large to be stored in memory, even when using the Partial-Order Package, try the state space caching option: $ pan -nC -wN where C is the maximum number of states that can be stored in main memory (C is typically set to slightly less than M/S where M is the amount of RAM of your computer and S is the state vector size, which is indicated in the diagnosis produced by SPIN; C must be small enough to avoid paging) and where N is chosen in such a way that 2^N is as close as possible to 2*C (in order to have a hash table at 50% not full). (Note: from Version 3.1 of the Partial-Order Package, states that are in the current depth-first search stack are not removed from the cache. When most of the states in the cache may not be removed because they are in the stack, a warning is issued, and the cache size should be increased if possible, in order to avoid significant run-time overhead due to scanning the cache to look for states not in the stack.) MORE This Partial-Order Package is distributed free of charge for research and educational use only. No guarantee is expressed or implied by the distribution of this code. Software written by Patrice Godefroid, Didier Pirottin and Pierre Wolper, Computer Science Department, University of Liege, with the collaboration of Gerard J. Holzmann, AT&T Bell Laboratories. The main reference describing the algorithms implemented in the Partial-Order Package and presenting results of experimentations is "Partial-order Methods for the Verification of Concurrent Systems -- An Approach to the State-Explosion Problem", Patrice Godefroid, PhD thesis, November 1994. This document is available in this directory (file A revised version of this PhD thesis is published by Springer-Verlag, as volume 1032 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, January 1996. (ISBN 3-540-60761-7) Please send your comments, questions, bug-reports and results of experiments to: Patrice Godefroid, Didier Pirottin and Pierre Wolper University of Liege Institut Montefiore, B28 4000 Liege Sart-Tilman Belgium