QED Implementation

Dennis Ritchie

[This document is a rendering and redaction into HTML of some notes I made about my implementation of the QED editor for the GE-TSS (later Honeywell TSS) system. The change-date on the file from which I resurrected it is February 1978, but that is surely much later than the time it was actually written, which must have been in the early 1970s, when this version of QED was actually in use.

This was intended to be a paper, but I gave up on it. The figures to which it refers don't exist. The discussion of the implementation of regular expressions is greatly incomplete; this was the part I started but didn't finish.

The main thing that interests me about these notes are their reminder that I was seriously interested in coroutine control structures even in my (relative) youth. -- DMR]

1. Data Structures

Almost all data inside QED is stored in 4-word blocks, including text and regular expressions. There is no garbage collection; instead each block must be explicitly freed when it becomes unused. The blocks currently free are stored on the Free List (Fig. 1). The allocation routine first attempts to find a block on the free list; if none is there, it tries to generate a new block from the top of memory; if there is no room at the top of memory, TSS is asked for more core.

1.1 Buffers

Text in QED is arranged in a three-level hierarchy: there may be several buffers, each of which contains several lines, each of which contains several blocks of text. The root of the tree which contains all buffers, lines and text is BLIST, which points to the head of a list of Buffer Headers (Fig. 2). The buffer headers constitute a doubly linked circular list, so that they can be searched when a buffer name is mentioned and so that new buffers can be created easily. Each buffer header has the structure shown in Figure 3. It contains

Pointers to the previous and next buffers
A pointer to the Line Header Block for line 0 of the contents of the buffer (see below).
A pointer to line "." in the buffer (correct only when this is not the current buffer; "." for the current buffer is kept elsewhere).
A pointer to the name of the buffer, stored in the same format as a Line Contents block list (see below).
A pointer to a Buffer Extension block containing
The number in the number register with the same name as the buffer,
The number of digits to be used when the number register is retrieved,
A pointer to the named regular expression with the same name as the buffer,
A pointer to the list of blocks representing the regular expression with the same name as the buffer.

1.2 Lines

Each line in a buffer has a Line Header (Fig. 4). The line headers for a buffer are linked just like the list of buffer headers (and some of the same routines manipulate them). Each buffer has a line 0, which cannot in general be referred to by QED commands. The purpose of line 0 is to provide a fixed location through which the contents of a buffer can be retrieved. The most important thing about line 0, then, is that it cannot be deleted, for if it could, the line pointer in the buffer header would point to a non-existent line.

As mentioned, line headers are a doubly linked circular list, so that line $ precedes line 0. Thus it is easy to insert and delete lines. Each line header block contains

A previous and next line pointer.
An absolute line number for benefit of the "'" address form and the ":" command.
Space for a flag used in G and V commands to mark that the line will be affected by the command.
A pointer to the blocks constituting the Line Contents (Fig. 5).

Line Contents blocks are singly linked and contain 14 9-bit characters. The end of the line is marked by either a null (zero) character or (if the last block is full) by a null next-block pointer.

2. IO Structure

The IO (for Input-Output) pushdown is used to keep track of the current status of expansion of "\B" and "\R" directives. At the top of the IO list at all times is a block defining the current source of characters; thus, most of the time at command level IO will specify the console typewriter, but if "\B(name)" is typed, IO will be pushed down and will specify buffer "name". There are several types of IO classified according to the routine used to supply characters; they are

Console typewriter (top level and expansion of "\R").
Buffer (characters out of a buffer; used during "\B" and also, for example, while writing or printing a buffer).
Global (like Buffer, but used while executing the commands in a G or V request).
Number (used to expand "\N", print line numbers, etc.)
Bootstrap (only during execution of the QED bootstrap loader.)

The IO list is a simple pushdown store. Each block on the store contains at a minimum the IO type it represents and a pointer to the next lower item on the stack. Buffer and Global IO blocks also contain

A pointer to the last line to be expanded;
A pointer to the current line being expanded;
A tally word pointing to the next character to be returned from the buffer.

Blocks for Number IO contain

The number being expanded, or its absolute value if it was negative and its sign has been generated;
The number of digits desired;
The number of digits already generated.

Sources and Sinks.

The essential notion in the character handling sections of QED is that of the coroutine (see [Knuth], [McIlroy]). The typical feature of coroutine organization is a number of procedures which call among themselves in such a way that no routine can fairly be called a subroutine of another; instead, each routine calls on the others and in turn is called by them. Character manipulation is perhaps the most common application of coroutines, so it is not surprising that QED uses them so heavily.

As a simple example, consider a program to list a file on the typewriter. It will, of course, have two basic parts: one to pull characters from the file, and one to put them on the typewriter. (The program could also be coded as one big loop, so that it was difficult to separate the reading from the writing, but presumably we want to be able to call these programs from other places as well.) There are a number of routines which act as sources of characters: typewriter input, file input, retrieval of the next character from a buffer, and others. Likewise, the are several sinks for characters: typewriter and file output, placing the next character into a buffer. In general, the source-type routines are called and return the next character from the source in a register. The sink routines are typically handed the name of a source routine which they call whenever they need characters. Thus, the Print (P) command works as follows: the typewriter output routine is called, and its argument is the name (i.e., the address) of the routine which retrieves characters from a buffer. (the latter routine must, of course, have been set up so as to read from the specified lines of the appropriate buffer.) Likewise the List (l) command hands the name of the file-input routine to the typewriter-output subroutine.

There are only a few primitive routines that act as sources; they are:

TTINCH returns the next character from the console typewriter;
READ9 and READ6 return the next character from the ASCII or Hollerith file currently being read (if any).
GETBUF return the next character from the buffer currently being read. GETBUF consults the entry at the top of the I/O list to determine whence it should take characters.

The file-read routines and GETBUF must both be set up properly before being called; an appropriate OPEN routine is used for READ6 and READ9, and SETBUF is called (with arguments indicating the the first and last lines to be expanded) to generate the appropriate entry on the I/O list.

All of these routines do essentially no processing of the characters they handle; in particular, no expansion of the "\B" or "\R" text directives is done. (Actually, the typewriter-input routine handles escape characters: for example, it turns "\" followed by "B" into "\B"; but it does not expand the buffer.) Expansion of "\B", "\R", and "\N" directives is done by another character-source routine: GETCHA. GETCHA consults the I/O list to determine from where to take characters. Whenever it finds "\B" not suppressed by a preceding "\C", it pushes down the I/O list, and enters at its top the named buffer. Similarly, "\N" and "\R" cause stacking of entries for Number and Typewriter I/O respectively. GETCHA is called, for example, by the command processor subroutine.

The routines which act as sinks of characters include:

APPEND, which places the characters it picks up after the line of the buffer which it is handed as argument;
TTYOUT, which copies characters to the console typewriter;
WRITE9 and WRITE6, which place characters into the ASCII or Hollerith file currently being written.

As indicated, sink routines are handed the name of a source. The argument subroutine is called to obtain characters until an end-of-file character is returned. Every sink return considers the character "\777" to denote the end of the current source of characters. At this point the sink routine generally returns to its caller.

APPEND accepts an additional argument specifying an end-of-file character. Thus, the Append (A) command is implemented bye calling subroutine APPEND with arguments indicating the appropriate line to append to, source routine GETCHA, and end-of-file character "\F". More simply, the Read command (R) calls APPEND with the file-input routine as source and "\777" as end-of-file character.

4. The Store

Throughout most of QED, the previously described method of handling characters is quite satisfactory. That is, the sink routine acts as the driver, calling upon a source routine to supply characters. There are several situations, however, in which the opposite situation is more useful; sometimes a source routine which call the sink to dispose of characters. Consider, for example, the problem of typing out internally generated messages, as in the Status (X) command and the error subroutine. Under the previously described discipline, it would be necessary to set up a special source of characters whose name must be passed to the typewriter output subroutine in order to write the message. Instead, a facility called the Store is provided. Conceptually, the Store operates as follows: One routine (STORE) is provided which acts as a sink of characters; however, unlike previously-described sinks, STORE is called in order to stuff away characters. Conversely, routine GETSTR is called, after the store is full, to get characters from the store. Thus, in order to write a message on the typewriter, one calls STORE for each message character; then TTYOUT is called with GETSTR as source of characters.

The original implementation of the Store was in fact the scheme that seems to be implied by the above description: an array of into which characters were placed by STORE and from which characters were retrieved by GETSTR. This method suffers from an important limitation, however; the store, by its nature, is of fixed size. For merely writing messages on the typewriter, this is not important, since they are all short. But the Store is also used to hold the new line generated by the Substitute command, for example; thus there is a definite limitation on the size of a line resulting from the Substitute command. If the size of the Store is large, there is an annoying inefficiency, in that space is not being utilized well most of the time; if the limit is small, there are complaints that the Substitute command does not word properly for long lines.

Now, notice that QED uses two kins of relation between sources and sinks:

Most sinks call sources in order to obtain characters;
Sometimes, however, it is convenient for sources to call sinks in order to dispose of characters. The solution is to make the Store act merely as an adapter between these two kinds of routines.

Regular Expressions

The most unusual feature of QED is its use of regular expressions. The method used is basically that described by its inventor, K. L. Thompson, in his article "Regular Expression Search Algorithm" (Communications of the ACM, Vol. 11, Number 6, June, 1968). Several improvements and extensions of that algorithm have been made, some by Thompson, some by the author, so the entire scheme will be described.


Non-deterministic algorithms tend to be elegant but impractical. This method is one of the few in which a non-deterministic algorithm has been efficiently applied to a real problem. One of its most important characteristics is that no backup is required; that is, once a character has been picked up from the text being searched, it need not be rescanned. Consider the expression

applied to the text "abcdefx". Many recognition algorithms would match the characters "a" through "f" in the text, and then discover that the "x" fails to match the "g" of the expression; at that point, a backup would have to be performed in order to match the alternative "ab". In QED's algorithm, the backup is not necessary, since the two alternatives of the expression, "ab" and "abcdefg", are being matched simultaneously. That is, when the non-matching "x" is discovered in the text, it is known that the expression "ab" has already been found, so it is not necessary to rescan the text in order to match it.

There are two stages in the handling of each regular expression. The first stage is a relatively ordinary compiler which accepts an expression to be matched and produces the code which performs the search. The second stage is the execution of the code produced by the first stage. The two phases can be decoupled somewhat by the use of the null regular expression and by named regular expressions. For example, in the command

the regular expression "abc" is compiled only once; the substitute command uses the same code compiled by the search. In the Enter command, e.g.
the compilation of the regular expression is done without any execution until the expression is called.

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